Go to http://www.lowellpl.lib.in.us/history.htm under “Indexes of Interest.”
- Lowell High School yearbook index (1915-current)
- Lowell Tribune index (1920- current) to births, birthdays, engagements, weddings, marriage licenses, death notices, and obituaries.
- An index of names wherever they appeared in the paper for some of the older local papers (Lowell Star, Lowell Souvenir, Lowell Tribune), but the date range is spotty (1872, 1901-3, 1916-17).
Lowell Public Library owns the indexed papers either in hard copy or on microfilm.
You can e-mail the library at referenc@lowellpl.lib.in.us for a copy of the article you need.
New digital Minolta microfilm reader/printer that allows patrons to print the article, copy the article to a flash drive, or e-mail an article.