Friday, June 17, 2011

The Genealogical Research Process

The Librarian's Guide to Genealogical Research
by James Swan

Available at Lake County Public Library in the Indiana/Genealogy room.

This helpful genealogy title contains a useful guide to doing genealogy research on page 25.

The Genealogical Research Process

  1. Collect, organize, and record personal sources.

  2. Identify and contact family members for information.

  3. Add the information to your charts.

  4. Survey compiled sources.

  5. Focus on one person in a single area.

  6. Identify available resources.

  7. Select the most appropriate research tool.

  8. Acquire the record.

  9. Record the source in the research log.

  10. Add the information to the genealogical record form.

  11. Evaluate the data and begin the cycle again with no. 5.